Christian School Retreat

A time set aside for worship, building friendships, fun, and fellowship among classmates and teachers. Christian school retreats are available here at The Edge Christian Camp for the Fall or Spring. See the options below and how we can help with your next retreat!

Fall or Spring Retreats for your JR's or Teen's

A group of people standing in front of a crowd.

*Christian School Retreat Weekday Special Pricing*

Three package options available to fit your schedule.

Package One: Two night, Five meal, Cabins and Camp Activity Schedule. (Average $68 per guest all inclusive)

Package Two: Three night, Eight meal, cabins and Camp Activity Schedule. (Average $93 per guest all inclusive)

Package Three: Four Night, Eleven meal, Cabins and Camp Activity Schedule. (Average $131 per guest all inclusive)

All cost estimates are averaged on 25 guest per retreat

Each Retreat can include the option of tickets to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, or Jamestown at an additional charge.

A person using their laptop on the table

Scheduling Availablility

Each school has different needs and schedules. We offer different layouts Monday thru Saturday to fit these needs. Contact us today to see what dates are available that best fits your retreat plans!

Edge Staff is prepared and available for services to include preaching, sessions, and special music. God and I time booklets are available upon request.

Retreat activities are all built into our schedule for you and your youth to enjoy. Firing range, sling shot range, archery, bubble ball, gym games, etc.

With customizable schedules, there is time for free-time things such as trips across the river to Jamestown, Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, and many things around camp such as 9-square, GAGA ball, Human foosball, laser tag, and much more.